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Family Events in Saratoga

Cora Dressed To Go Out For Valentine's Day Dinner

Eric with his Orange Belt Trophy


Day Trip along the California coast on Highway 1

David heads down to the beach

Calafornia coast beach

David in the pool

Wanda is the pool life guard

David invents the "Selfie" Years before the iPhone

David And Charles using the push car Gary built at David's request

David And Charles using the push car Gary built at David's request

Gary Visited Ernie

Early 1992 - Gary & Ernie. Ernie's prostate cancer caused weight loss

Candice Brown at B&E's house

Tamera Grasse

Eric's Graduation Portrait

Eric's eigth grade graduation portrait

Other Evemts

Val & Henry Veit's 50th wedding anniversry family portrait

Phil Moorby and Gary went to Big Basin for a hike

Gary and the @Real Bluesmobile at Universal Studios L.A.

Baby FatKat/Mohammed Alley Cat at 22 years old. Photo was taken shortly before he died


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